Is your metabolism burning at an optimal rate? Read on.
WATER Drink 1 Quart per 50 lbs of body weight per day. Water is the KEY that starts the Krebs Cycle; it is the catalyst for METABOLISM. If you follow this ONE rule of water intake, you will see a difference in your body composition, energy levels, and overall HEALTH.
BREATH (Be it yoga, stretching, or a specific time set aside for relaxation). Oxygen, like water, is essential for the body to metabolize energy.
SLEEP Consistently follow a regular and adequate sleep schedule. Take naps when you need them. Our mind, and body, and spirit need time to relax, and our body needs time to process the fuel, waste, and workouts. Sleep is critical to a healthy body (and, in my opinion, to weight loss)
FUEL/NUTRITION: EAT!! Eat early and often. Eat anything that comes in it’s own package (my Mom’s ONLY rule about nutrition. And she has been the icon of health and beauty her entire life.) Think of ALL the nutrients your body assimilates when you eat nutrient-dense foods. I could write a thesis on this alone. We underestimate the power of HEALTHY food affecting our over-all well being and longevity.
INTERVAL WORKOUTS. MULTI TASK when you workout! The crazier your workout is, the longer it takes your body to recover… the more calories you burn! The goal with a hard workout is to achieve EPOC: Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption. This means that your body needs more oxygen than normal after a workout to rebuild the tissues. It also means you continue to burn calories at an elevated rate after your workout is over. You may notice that your body naturally breathes more deeply throughout the next day, and that you’re sore a little longer. Just think: your body may burn more calories after your workout than during. Now that’s efficient. (If you’re pregnant, save this tip until post-partum)
CURB STRESS When we feel stress (even about losing weight) our bodies produce cortisol (a stress hormone) and our levels of hormones are not at an optimal balance. This impedes weight loss. Seek out a positive attitude and process stress as quickly as possible.
CLEAN LIVER Give your Body 12 hours a day without food—let the liver process the waste in the body. (On the other hand, water is always great!)
CLEAN INTESTINES (Veggies, Whole Grains, FIBER, Water) We make more serotonin — our happy hormone — in our intestine than in our head. As the intestines are clean, they function better in processing waste, ABSORBING nutrients, and producing hormones.
We already know these principles. These are all the things our mothers told us growing up!! ( Thanks, Mom!) In tandem with these healthy habits, SET AND MEET (realistic) GOALS. You will feel a sense of empowerment as you are accomplishing your goals. Mental workouts that bring a sense of accomplishment, whether physical or other, promote the release of feel good hormones which help the body find its healthy, natural weight.