If you are used to skipping meals and forgetting to eat, you may benefit from creating a meal plan to get you back on schedule. This trick is also helpful for avoiding the last minute “what can I possibly make to eat” ordeal. My friend Kari has an amazing routine she shared with me. At the beginning of the week, she sits down with some of her favorite cookbooks and creates a list of meals she and her husband might enjoy. Next, decide which meals you’ll need for the week and transfer the ingredients onto a shopping list. Meal planning is a great way to prepare for the week ahead. You can also trim your budget substantially and avoid wasted groceries by getting clear on when you will be home for meals.
And don’t forget to include snacks on your grocery list! Some people worry that including extra meals and snacks might lead to weight gain, but in fact the opposite is true. Plan on eating small meals every few hours and you will notice an immediate shift in your energy levels. Take notice of how you feel when you nourish yourself often throughout the day. Here’s an example of how to schedule your meals for those of you who are new to eating more frequently:
Breakfast 7-9 am
Mid-morning snack 10-11 am
Lunch 1-2 pm
Afternoon snack 3-4 pm
Dinner 6-7 pm
Evening snack 8-9pm