Need a good excuse to go get a massage? Not only are massages great for reducing stress, but they can also increase blood flow to the uterus and ovaries. When looking for a fertility masseuse, consider practitioners that have mayan abdominal massage training to enhance your chances of conception.
Mayan Abdominal Massage uses deep abdominal work to reposition the pelvic organs and treat a pro-lapsed or tilted uterus. Massaging the abdominal region can also help to break up any adhesions or blockages that may be preventing conception. Mayan abdominal massage benefits fertility in the following ways:
1. Improves egg quality by flooding the ovaries with fresh blood supply and oxygen
2. Helps to balance irregular menstrual cycles
3. Breaking down scar tissue and adhesions
4. Reducing stress
5. Improves digestion
6. Increases overall vitality and energy
7. Prepares the muscles and ligaments for childbirth