I have a tendency to try to do at least 5 things at once: on my computer, text messaging, cooking dinner while all the while having a meaningful conversation with my husband. Sound familiar? Now that I am seriously thinking about getting pregnant, I am turning over a new leaf. Here’s a few tricks I use to unwind:
#1 Breathing into my belly: when we are stressed we have a tendency to breathe into our chests (or even worse, not breathe at all– think tough ab crunches). Stressed out shallow breathing leaves our body in a state of fight or flight. Fertility is about expanding the belly and reducing the release of stress hormones.
#2 Foot soaks with sea salts are an amazing way to bring a little bit of the spa home with you. Foot soaks are both gently detoxifying and replenishing, perfect for bringing you back down to earth at the end of the day.
#3 Acupuncture: I was a needle skeptic for the longest time and now I’m addicted. Beyond the fact that you can’t move and therefore have to be still and calm, there is something remarkable about Chinese Medicine and the way re-calibrates your nervous system, while improving your fertility. To find an acupuncturist specializing in fertility check out The Fertile Soul’s Clinical Excellence in Fertility Program.