A Hygeia representative visited me in my home one evening a few years ago. He told me about the virtue of their breast pumps and why my clients would love them. I listened, a bit skeptical, and agreed to try out some products with the help of my clients.
Until then, I had carried only Medela pumps. Most of my clients were familiar with that brand and it had a good reputation. Many lactation consultants, however, were beginning to have problems with their business practices and the fact that Medela is not WHO code compliant. It was also concerning that such an expensive product could not be safely passed on, once the original owner no longer needed it.
My “guinea pigs” who tested the Hygeia pumps for me gave a 100 percent positive response. I sold and rented all that the Hygeia rep had given me. So….I ordered a few more and officially became a distributer.
For about a year I carried around Hygeia and Medela breast pumps in my car. If a client wanted a pump, I brought both brands into her house and we talked about the various virtues of each. Every time I did this, the mom chose the Hygeia. Hmmmm.
So, I made the switch.
Most of my clients aren’t that interested in the politics or business practices of breast pump companies. But they are interested in value and performance. Here are the features that made them switch:
- The ability to control the speed and the suction separately.
- A wide variety of options and price points for the same high-quality breast pump.
- The fact that the Hygeia breast pump can be safely shared by changing the filter.
- The pump kit from their old pump or a rental pump can be used with the Hygeia so that they have the option of buying only the pump and not spend more money on another kit.
- The three year, transferrable warranty. Otherwise unheard of.
Hygeia is still a relative newcomer on the scene of breast pumps. This may have been the first time you’ve heard about them. You will not find them in big box stores. But you can find them on my website, and always, in my car!
Renee Beebe, M.Ed., RLC, IBCLC