Expect the unexpected is very apropos when it comes to births. There are so many different and unexpected things that can happen and no birth is ever alike. Each one presents its own challenges and excitement. This is one big reason why I love what I do!
No matter how many classes expectant couples take, no matter how many books they have read, no matter how many people they have talked to, their birth never goes the way they planned. Of course, very little in life goes as planned.
That is one of the many reasons to have a doula. She has experienced all of these unexpected events, seen different scenarios, and will help you when the unexpected occurs.
When I was attending my son’s wedding in Cabo the resort put on Fiesta Night. This included Mexican entertainment. There was a bandleader who coordinated all of the acts. He reminded me of being a doula.
While all members of a band know their part, it is the bandleader that coordinates them and makes it music not just noise. This is also true of a doula. She coordinates with the doctor, midwife, nurse, and other staff members so that YOUR needs are met! This is most important and is the essential value that she is giving you.
A doula must be an excellent listener to her clients and everyone else involved. In this way, she can assimilate all the information to advocate the clients’ needs and wishes while also respecting the advice of the medical professionals. This ensures the clients have the most positive and successful births possible.
Whether it is to explain a certain procedure, special technique or just give emotional support to the parents-to-be it is good to have a “bandleader!”
To find out about my services, please visit my website at www.janmartinka.com. Feel free to write me with any (non-medical) birth or postpartum questions to get a doula’s perspective