Choosing low-glycemic foods is good for your mood, your waistline, managing diabetes and preventing gestational diabetes. How does the glycemic index work? Foods are rated from 1-100 based on how they effect your blood sugar levels when consumed. Carbohydrates that break down easily during digestion have a high rating and are best avoided or paired with a protein to curb the effect on your blood sugar levels. When you eat a high-glycemic foods, you may notice you are instantly hungry shortly after. Some studies show that people who eat high-glycemic meals or snacks tend to consume 70% more at their next meal. Familiarize yourself with the various low-glycemic foods and avoid high glycemic foods where possible.
Low Glycemic Index
Whole Grain wheat or Rye Pita Bread, Cracked or Sprouted Whole wheat
Compact noodle-like high bran cereals (All-Bran, Fiber One) Coarse Oatmeal, Porridge, Coarse Whole Grain (Kashi) Cereal mixed with Psyllium (Fiberwise)
Pasta, Grains and Starchy Vegetables:
Pasta, Barley, Bulgur, Buckwheat (kasha) Couscous, Kidney Beans dry, Lentils, Black-eyed peas, Chick-peas Kidney beans, Lima beans, Peas, Sweet Potato, Yam, Most Vegetables.
Milk Products:
Skim, 1%, cottage cheese, (lowfat or regular), Buttermilk, Low-fat plain yogurt, Low-fat fruited yogurt, Low-fat frozen yogurt (artificial sweetener)
Most fruit and natural fruit juices, including apple, berries, cantaloupe, grapefruit, honeydew, oranges, pears, grapes, peaches, applesauce, (Cherries, plums and grapefruit lowest).
Shellfish, “white” fish (cod, flounder, trout, tuna in water), Chicken, turkey, cornish hen, venison (white meat no skin), Egg substitutes (cholesterol free) cottage cheese
High-glycemic index
White bread, most commercial whole wheat breads, English muffins, bagel, French bread, most commercial matzoh
Corn flakes, puffed rice, puffed wheat, flaked cereals, instant “Quick” or pre-cooked cereals. Oatbran, rolled oats. Shredded wheat, Muesli.’
Pasta, Grains and Starchy Vegetables:
Instant rice, Brown rice, instant precooked grains, Baked potato, micro-waved potato, instant potato, Winter squash (acorn, butternut), carrots, parsnips.
Milk Products:
Whole milk, ice milk, ice cream, Yogurt sweetened with sugar, Low-fat frozen desserts with sugar added, Low-fat and regular frozen yogurt with sugar added. Tofu ice cream.
Pineapple, raisins, watermelon, fruit juices sweetened with sugar.
Most cuts of beef, pork, lamb, hot dogs (including “low-fat’ versions) cheese, luncheon meats, peanut butter.