The average American comes in contact with over 500 chemicals a day—from toothpaste and shampoo, to fabric softeners and detergents, to the plastic in our food containers and the purifiers in our water… We live in a world where there is a potion or lotion or concoction for virtually everything. Most of these aids are synthetic, some are toxic, and they all are absorbed into the body. The industry of beauty is largely based on chemical contrivances, and yet we typically only think of the (immediate) outcome… Do I smell and look fabulous? Below are listed some products that one should specifically avoid during pregnancy. The list is not conclusive, and we recommend you do further research and talk with your doctor if you have concerns about a specific product you are using. Some additional reading can be found at the following websites:
Mother Love: Products to Avoid
Sixwise: Four Common Toxic Chemicals to Avoid in Pregnancy
Avoid the Following Products During Pregnancy:
• Self Tanner
• Shampoo’s containing DEA
• Teeth Whitner
• Benzoil Peroxide
• Salicilic Acid
• Alpha Hydroxy Acid
• Acrylic Finger Nails
• Ammonia (found in hair dye and hair highlights)
• Plastics containing BPA (#7 Recycle)
Some Healthy Beauty Aids in Lieu of the Above List Include:
• Coconut oil for face, body, and hair (has antibacterial properties; as an added benefit, coconut oil is extremely emollient, so it’s helpful in avoiding stretch marks)
• Strawberries for face (astringent properties)
• Avocado, or mayonnaise for hair (both great moisturizers and protein-infused)
• Crystal Deodorant (Natural sea salt deodorant)
• Baking Soda for whiter teeth (can be used alone as a toothpaste, or can be purchased in a toothpaste)