Women’s intuition is an incredible thing. Many women report that they knew they were pregnant from the moment of conception. Others enjoy the element of surprise watching the lines appear on the pink pregnancy test. If you are planning to get pregnant and wondering what it might feel like, consider the following signs as indicators that you may be pregnant.
Is your period is MIA? Of course this seems like the most obvious sign, but in fact there are a number of reasons why women experience an irregular period including hormonal fluctuations and stress. On the other side of the coin, some women have breakthrough bleeding with implantation and mistake it for a light period. In either case, an irregular cycle can indicate a pregnancy and the easiest way to confirm is by taking an at home pregnancy test.
Is your belly bloated? So all the sudden your skinny jeans aren’t fitting the way they used to. This could signify a shift in your hormones, which causes you to retain water much like when your period is about to arrive. It may feel hard to believe since your uterus and growing baby are still very small, but your body is already starting to gain both water weight and blood volume to nourish your baby.
Are your breasts tender? You may notice your breasts begin to swell and become sensitive to touch. This generally occurs in the first trimester due to increases in hormone levels that are preparing you for breastfeeding. Take charge by wearing supportive cotton bras and adjusting your exercise routine. Taking relaxing baths and using cold cloths can also help soothe tender breasts.
Are you experiencing food cravings or aversions? You’ve all heard that women start to crave the weirdest foods when they are pregnant, but it is also true that we naturally steer away from foods that could be dangerous to the baby. A lot of women talk about how they used to have wine with dinner every night and all the sudden felt sick at the idea of one sip. For the most part your internal GPS will tell you what you need and what to avoid.
Feeling exhausted and nauseous? Some women are lucky and don’t experience morning sickness until later in the first semester, however you may notice you feel nauseous and tired from the get go. Just imagine all the different processes occurring in your body from hormone shifts to the DNA replication in your baby. Take this as a sign to slow right down, put your feet up and get the extra rest you need.