You probably already know that childhood obesity has become a serious problem in the United States. But did you know that formula feeding increases the risk that a child will develop obesity later in life? Breastfeeding your baby significantly decreases the chances that he will become overweight as an adult. The Centers for Disease control and Prevention have reported: “…for each month of exclusive breastfeeding, up to 9 months, the risk of obesity is decreased by 4%.” In other words, the longer your baby breastfeeds, the less risk of obesity!
Every mother has her own personal reasons for choosing to breastfeed. Maybe it’s because she is concerned about allergies. Perhaps she knows that formula feeding increases the risk of ear infections or other illness. Whatever your reasons for breastfeeding, now you have one more.
So keep breastfeeding! Every month brings new benefits!
For the complete press release:
Written by Renee Beebe, M.Ed., IBCLC. Renee is a lactation consultant in private practice in Seattle, Washington. She is available for home/hospital visits and phone consultations. Renee can be reached at